1. Energy and transport |
2. Measuring, valuing, and reducing transport externalities |
3. Economic valuation of public investments in the transport sector |
4. Intelligent transport systems for a better transport |
5. Connecting Europe: infrastructure and standard armonization |
6. Social inclusiveness |
7. Transport and territorial development |
8. Smart cities, intelligent and sustainable mobility |
9. Supply chain and freight distribution |
10. Transport policies and the regulation of network industries |
Please submit an extended abstract (400-500 words) to siet2015@unibocconi.it
using the following form. |
The abstract should indicate title, author(s), affiliations, corresponding contact, and three keywords. Abstracts should state clearly the research question,
the methodology, the main results and references. All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review. |
As some parts of the conference will be in Italian and other parts in English, with no simultaneous translation,
please let us know whether your prefer to give your presentation in English, in Italian or if
you allow the organizers to choose, and prepare you presentation accordingly. |
Two type of sessions will be organized: |
- Sessions with pre-defined discussant; |
- Sessions with open discussion. |
In order to qualify for the Session with the pre-defined discussant, the paper should be submitted within May, 30th in order to allow some time for the discussant to study the paper.
The discussant will have 5 minute to present her\his discussion. |