XXV Scientific Meeting of the Italian Association of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET)
University of Trieste
Registration fee | Early bird registration (Until June 5th, 2023) | Late registration (From June 6th, to June 21st, 2023) |
Regular | 130€ | 170€ |
Under 35 | 75€ | 90€ |
Bank details for the payment of the Conference fee:
Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti,
Unicredit Banca spa – Agenzia Largo Tomizza, Via di Cologna, 3 – 34126 Trieste.
Account number: 41272996; ABI: 02008; CAB: 02223 IBAN: IT 25 Z 02008 02223 000041272996;
Branch swift: UNCRITM10UC Bank swift: UNCRITMM.
Please use the following payment description: “Last name First name SIET Conference registration fee 2023”