Registration fee

Early registration (until 8/07/24)

Normal (until 5/09/24)*

>= 35 years

130 Euro

150 Euro

<35 years (20/09/24)

80 Euro 90 Euro

 * After the 5th of September registration will be subject to 10€ late fees.
** Polaris member at the 25 of April 2024, have a 20 euro discount on senior tariff and a 10 euro discount
on junior tariff (please record this in your payment)

To register, you can make a payment to the following bank account and send a notification email to with object “registration confirmation”

Payment details

The amount due can be transferred to the following bank account: UniCredit (Filiale di Genova, via Garibaldi 1) intestato a SOCIETA' ITALIANA DEGLI ECONOMISTI DEI TRASPORTI: IT49J0200801458000041272996

Paese: IT
CIN/EU: 49
ABI: 02008
CAB: 01458
Numero C/C: 000041272996

Beneficiary: Società Italiana di Economia dei Trasporti; Payment description: SIET2024 (+ name(s) of participant(s).  

Cancellation policy: