Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica (SIET)  
Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists

XXVI Conference, “Methods, Practices, and Policies for the Future of Mobility”

Milan, September 18th – 20th, 2024 (pre-congress 18th)

Call for papers

We are pleased to announce that the XXVI Conference of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET will be on the  September 19-20 2024 at the campus of University Milano Bicocca. The conference is organized by the Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Strategy and the Department of Sociology and Social Research.
This year's conference focuses on the future of mobility, examining both challenges and opportunities. Under the title “Methods, Practices, and Policies for the Future of Mobility". All relevant topics directly and indirectly related to Transport Economics and Logistics are welcome.
The Conference aims at promoting both theoretical and applied research, with an interest in policy implications, while fostering interactions among researchers, practitioners, policy makers and experts on recent advancements for the understanding of mobility.

Papers are welcome on issues dealing with (but not limited to): transport planning methods, project evaluation, environmental impact of transportation, supply chains, transport decarbonization, energy and transport, sustainable transport policies, active mobility, urban transport policy, city logistics, transport and social inclusion, travel behaviour, accessibility, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), regulation, etc.

Keynotes sessions will be proposed: Domenico delli Gatti (Unicatt) will hold a presentation on the agent-based modeling approach; we also invited Paul Smaldino (Univ. of California) for an online presentation on the formation of knowledge in scientific communities.

Call for Extended Abstract

Interested presenters should submit an extended abstract (1000 to 2000 words) by April 25th, 2024. It is recommended, especially if authors are interested in the latter publication of their abstracts, to use the template available in Italian (here) or in English (here). The abstract should clearly state the research question(s), the methodology, the main (or expected) results and a list of selected references.
Organizers will later consider the possibility to publish accepted extended abstracts in Rivista di economia e politica dei trasporti. Additional publication opportunities may be proposed at a later stage.

Submission is made through the module available at:

Mentoring sessions
Researchers who wish to discuss research at an early stage or work in progress, or ideas for future research should explicitly indicate this during submission. The organizers will consider the possibility to group these proposals in dedicated sessions where interactive discussions are privileged.

Call for Special Sessions (extended deadline)

Interested scientists can propose special thematic sessions by April 30th, 2024, at the following mail: These sessions will typically consist of 4 contributions, that should be specified by the proponent. The submission should include the name(s) of the proponent(s), title of the session, an abstract (maximum 200 words, 3-4 keywords), and a list of possible contributions (title, author(s), affiliations, corresponding contacts).
Special sessions from other scientific associations are welcome.
A special session will also be organized with the research center Polaris of Milan Bicocca University dealing with particulate matters pollution.


During the conference, SIET will assign the following awards:
•    the "2024 SIET Best Paper Award” for the best theoretical or empirical paper presented at the XXVI SIET Conference by a young researcher (under 35 years). The winner will receive a prize of €300 as well as a two-year free SIET membership;
•    the “2024 SIET Best Doctoral thesis” for the best Doctoral thesis on Transport economics and Logistics examined in the 2023 calendar year or by April 2024. The winner will receive a prize of €1000 well as a three-year free SIET membership.
Additional details on both awards will be emailed to all SIET members.

Important dates

•    Proposal for Special Session deadline: April 30th, 2024
Extended Abstract submission deadline: April 25th, 2024
Accepted abstracts notification: May, 2024
Early bird conference registration: July, 5th 2024
normal registration: until 5th of september

Local Organising Committee
Paolo Beria
Simone Caiello
Irina Di Ruocco
Francesca Lacqua
Jérôme Massiani
Paolo Maranzano
Jurgena Myftiu
Lorena Popescu
Marta Santagata

Scientific Organising Committee:

Oliviero Baccelli
Angela Bergantino
Matteo Colleoni
Claudio Ferrari
Valerio Gatta
Elena Maggi
Jérôme Massiani
Lucia Rotaris


Department of Economics, Quantitative Methods and Strategy
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milano